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Oracle DBA Training

Oracle DBA Training

  1. This Oracle DBA Training is conducted by our founder Srini Ramineni over ZOOM. But it is a LIVE instructor led training.
  2. The training classes are every Saturday and Sunday for 40 hours over a period of 5 weekends.
  3. A custom written training material PDF book of about 300 pages will be provided to each student.

Saturdays and Sundays

a) 8 am Central Time to 10 am Central Time – Session 1 

b) 10 am Central Time to 10:30 am Central Time (30 Minutes Break)

c) 10:30 am Central Time to 12:30 pm Central Time – Session 2

Fees/Cost for the training

The total cost is $799. This amount should be paid in advance at the time of registration for the training webinar using zoom. You can pay using CREDIT CARD (or) DEBIT CARD (or) PayPal

Register for Training

Click here to Register in ZOOM Webinar and Pay Online

Lab Practical Exercises

Each student will be provided a dedicated Remote Desktop Connection with Linux operating system. Students can login remotely using their Windows PC or Apple MAC computer

Oracle DBA Training Syllabus

1. Installation of Oracle 19c database software

  1. How to download Oracle database software
  2. Install Oracle 19c using Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
  3. Oracle software Inventory

2. Oracle Database Creation

  1. CREATE DATABASE command (Manual method)
  2. Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)

3. Oracle database initialization parameters

  1. What is a pfile and spfile
  2. Convert pfile to spfile and vice-versa
  3. Dynamic and Static parameters

4. Oracle Control Files

  1. Role of an Oracle Control File
  2. Renaming/Moving Oracle Data files
  3. View Control File contents in ASCII (text format)

5. Managing Tablespaces and data files

  1. How to create a new tablespace
  2. Internal organization of data files using blocks and extents
  3. Bigfile tablespaces
  4. How to modify tablespaces and drop tablespaces

6. Oracle Temporary Tablespaces

7. Oracle database user accounts

8. Oracle database profiles

9. Oracle database privileges and roles

  1. Table privileges (Object privileges)
  2. System privileges
  3. Oracle built-in roles
  4. Various Data Dictionary views listing privilege and role information

10. Oracle Redo Log Files

11. Oracle Archived Redo Log files and Fast Recovery Area

12. Configuring Oracle Net Services (Oracle Networking)

13. Oracle Net Manager (netmgr)

14. Oracle Event Setting for Troubleshooting purposes

15. Oracle Undo Tablespaces

16. Oracle Memory and Process Architecture

17. Oracle Scheduler PL/SQL Package and scheduling jobs

18. Oracle User Managed Backups (Manual Backups)

  1. Cold Backup (Offline Backup)
  2. Hot Backup (online Backup)
  3. Oracle User Managed Cloning (Database copy process)

19. Oracle RMAN Backups

  1. Introduction to Oracle RMAN utility
  2. Oracle Full database backup
  3. Oracle Incremental backup strategy
  4. Oracle Backup Metadata and Listing Backup information
  5. Oracle Archive Log only backups
  6. Oracle Database Duplication (database copy) using RMAN Duplicate
  7. How to restore and recover a database from its backup
  8. Oracle RMAN AUTOBACKUP and Backup Retention policy
  9. How to drop an Oracle database using RMAN
  10. How to delete old backups (obsolete backups)

20. Oracle Data Movement (Data Pump Export and Data Pump Import)

21. Oracle Database Links

22. Oracle Multitenant Architecture

  1. Introduction to Oracle Multitenancy (CDB and PDB databases)>/li>
  2. The root container and seed container
  3. Plugging a non-CDB as a PDB in a CDB
  4. Oracle Metadata objects in a CDB
  5. Oracle Common Users in a CDB
  6. Oracle Backup and Recovery in a CDB using RMAN

23. Oracle Performance Tuning

  1. Oracle Dynamic Performance Views (v$ views)
  2. Oracle Database Transaction Row level locks
  3. Oracle AWR Reports
  4. Oracle session tracing
  5. Oracle SQL Statement Execution Plan (Explain Plan)
  6. Oracle database optimizer statistics

Contact Details

DBA University
605 W Madison St Suite 1108
Chicago IL 60661
United States of America

Ph 720 934 1260
Email in**@db***********.com

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